
Potsdam Universität Kontakt Informationen


The University of Potsdam is a public university in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of Germany. It is situated across four campuses in Potsdam and Brandenburg. Some faculty buildings are part of the New Palace of Sanssouci which is known for its UNESCO World Heritage status.The University of Potsdam is Brandenburg's largest university and the fourth largest in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area which is well known as one of the reputable education and research locations in Germany and Europe. More than 8,000 people are working in scholarship and science.In 2009 the University of Potsdam became a winner in the "Excellence in Teaching" initiative of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Business innovation agency for the German science system).HistoryThe University of Potsdam was formed in 1991 by the amalgamation of the Karl Liebknecht College of Education and the Brandenburg State College, as well as several other smaller institutions. As the university in large part emerged from the College of Education, emphasis today is still placed on teacher training.Historical buildingsSome parts of the university are located in historical buildings that have been named as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The university library and the Institute of History can be found in a part of the commons in the park of Sanssouci, at the New Palace, as can the Institute of Mathematics in the former stables.

Adresse: Potsdam
Stadt: Potsdam

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