Tagungs-, Event- und Messehotel
- 199 Zimmer
- 21 Veranstaltungräume mit bis zu 5 Autos befahrbar
- 200 Parkplätze
- 2600 qm Außengelände
Radisson Blu® is one of the world’s leading hotel brands with 380 unique hotels, open or coming soon, in the world’s most desirable destinations: dynamic major cities, nearby airport gateways and in the most sought after leisure hotspots.
Iconic, stylish and sophisticated, Radisson Blu creates excitingly individual hotels for individual minds. We create excitement with our stunning, leading edge design.We’ve packaged it all neatly together, with our unique 'Yes I Can!' service ethos.
Radisson Blu is a part of The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group. For more information visit www.radissonblu.com.
hinzufügen eines Radisson Blu Hotel, Karlsruhe-stadtplans zu ihrer webseite;
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