
Rapid Planning Kontakt Informationen


Rapid Planning is an action oriented research project funded by the german Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF). www.rapid-planning.net


The research work will be based on practical experiences in the case cities of Kigali (Rwanda), Da Nang (Vietnam), and Assiut (Egypt) and will be directly put into action. Frankfurt (Main) as German project city will provide experiences to the other case cities but will also learn from the trans-sectoral approach that is not yet part of the city’s urban planning activity. Together with UN-Habitat the transfer of the Rapid Planning approach into practice and the transferability of solutions to other city environments will be tested.

For more information, media inquiries or if you like to participate, please get in contact with the public-relations department: [email protected]

Adresse: Waldburgstr. 96, 70563 Stuttgart
Telefonnummer: +49 (0) 711-7355279
Stadt: Stuttgart
Postleitzahl: 70563

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