If you have support requests, please write to info@rebusfarm.net. Our support team will be happy to help you.
RebusFarm instantly provides you with 5000 XEON CPUs to render your animations and still images.
No matter which 3D-application you're using: We support them all!
RebusFarm increases the speed of your renderings with massive rendering power provided by our render farm with its render-node clusters. Our render servers calculate still images and 3D animations in breathtaking speed and excellent quality.
Submitting your render jobs to RebusFarm saves you high acquisition costs compared to the purchase of expensive local hardware. Our render nodes guarantee optimal results and deliver your images a thousand times faster than a single high-end-workstation would ever do.
With RebusFarm you can solve your render tasks online in the cloud. Using the Farminizer Software, which can be downloaded from their homepage, you can upload your 3D graphics and 3D animations to the cloud where their service takes over the rendering. This online functionality saves you expensive hardware and software licensing costs!
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