
Reinfeld Kontakt Informationen


Reinfeld is a town in the district of Stormarn, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It is situated near the river Trave, approx. 8 km east of Bad Oldesloe, and 14 km west of Lübeck. It belongs to the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.HistoryIn 1186 monks from the Cistercian abbey of Loccum founded the monastery of Reynevelde near where the stream Heilsau meets the river Trave. The monks created about 60 ponds to raise fish to eat on the days meat was not allowed. The Abbey prospered until the Reformation. Johan of Plön is said to have been buried in the abbey in 1359 among other "nobles". In 1582 it was closed down by the dukes of Plön and most of the buildings except for the church demolished. A four winged castle was built 1599 - 1604 from the material. When the Plön line of the Dukes died out in 1761 the duchy of Plön including Reinfeld and the castle fell to King Frederick V of Denmark. The castle was considered useless and was demolished in 1775, the old bricks being reused for a new yet smaller building. In 1635 the dam of the Herrenteich broke and the water damaged the old abbey church so it had to be taken down. A new Church was built the following year on a nearby hill called "Eichberg" (Oak hill).

Adresse: 23854–23858 Reinfeld
Stadt: Reinfeld
Postleitzahl: 23854–23858

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