
Rethen (Vordorf) Kontakt Informationen


The formally independent municipality Rethen is part of the municipality Vordorf in Northern Germany. First documented in 1301, it now has a population of about 1,200. Rethen is part of the Samtgemeinde Papenteich at the administrative district of Gifhorn (Lower Saxony). Together with the villages Vordorf and Eickhorst it forms the municipality Vordorf which is situated halfway between Braunschweig and Gifhorn.GeographyGeographical positionRethen is situated north of Braunschweig, between the Harz and the Lüneburg Heath. However, administrative it belongs to the district of Gifhorn. The village is part of the municipality Vordorf and is around 3 km northeast of the central village Vordorf. Rethen is around 4 km to the west to the German highway 4 (near Meine) and around 7 km to the north of the interchange Brunswick North (A2 /A391). Other bigger towns nearby are: Wolfsburg, Salzgitter, Wolfenbüttel, Gifhorn, Peine and Celle.

Adresse: Rethen (Vordorf)
Stadt: Rethen

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