
Rheda-Wiedenbrück Kontakt Informationen


Rheda-Wiedenbrück is a town in the district of Gütersloh, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.GeographyThe twin community lies within the valley of the river Ems in the Westphalian Lowland south of the Teutoburg Forest, which is about 30 km away. The formerly independent towns of Rheda and Wiedenbrück are separated by the Federal Highway 2 which does not, however, form the historic border between the two districts. The Ems river runs through the city. The nearest major cities are Gütersloh (about 11 km), Bielefeld and Paderborn in around 35 km and Hamm in about 55 km distance. The river enters from the southeast into an urban area. Close to the public pool in Wiedenbrück, an artificial side arm branches off to the north of the river Ems. The Ems and the artificial branch are flowing around the old historic Wiedenbrück city centre and come together again behind the Ems lake at the height of the Wiedenbrück High School. The river then flows through the grounds of the State Garden Show 1988, connects the Wiedenbrücker center with the center of Rheda and leaves the urban area in the northernmost tip. Several small tributaries of the Ems are located in the municipality. Other notable waters are the Buxelssee northeast of the motorway, the Bänischsee northeast of Rheda and Lintel lake east of Wiedenbrück. One characteristic of the two combined cities is a green strip several kilometers long along the Ems, starting at Emssee in downtown Wiedenbrück and ending near the water castle in Rheda. The overall flat terrain falls from south to north. Outside the settlement areas, the city is dominated by agriculture and the city has comparatively large forest areas surrounding the city.

Adresse: 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Stadt: Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Postleitzahl: 33378

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