
Rothenfels Kontakt Informationen


Rothenfels is a town in the Main-Spessart district in the Regierungsbezirk of Lower Franconia.SubdivisionsRothenfels has two Stadtteile, Rothenfels in the valley of the Main and Bergrothenfels on the hill, next to Rothenfels Castle.HistoryMarquardt II von Grumbach, Vogt of Neustadt Abbey built a "hunting lodge" on the hill where the castle stands today. However, the land was property of the abbey and the neighbours felt threatened by the fortification. The king asked the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg to settle the conflict. As a result of his mediation, Marquart received the land as a fief in 1150, but had to pay an annual rent to the abbey. Around 1200 the castle was rebuilt and the bergfried made form large bunter blocks on a square plan added. Construction of the new castle wall also started with large blocks but was finished with quarrystone.

Adresse: 97851 Rothenfels
Stadt: Rothenfels
Postleitzahl: 97851

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