
Rottenacker Kontakt Informationen


Rottenacker is a village in the district of Alb-Donau in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.HistoryThe SeparatistsDuring the late 18th century the Radical Pietist movement throughout the Duchy of Wuerttemberg increased again after having diminished over the previous decades. Many Pietists separated from church for religious reasons. In Wuerttemberg, where Rottenacker belonged to, those religious dissenters were generally known as 'separatists'. Since 1785 the linen weaver George Rapp from Iptingen became the most important leader of the Separatists in Wuerttemberg, directing about 2,000 followers. When Rapp emigrated to the United States in 1803, a Separatist group from Rottenacker took over the leading role within the movement. It had been initiated in 1800 by a farmgirl named Barbara Grubenmann from Teufen in the Swiss canton Appenzell-Ausserrhoden south of Lake Constance who had come to Rottenacker. About 70 inhabitants of the village separated from church. From the beginning political ideas played an important role when the separatists insulted the ruler of Wuerttemberg, the Elector Friedrich (1797-1803 Duke Friedrich II, 1806-1816 King of Wuerttemberg) and his officials. In May 1804, the Elector sent military to the villages of Rottenacker, Dettingen unter Teck, Horrheim and Boll. The most prominent Separatists were arrested and led to the Fortrass of Asperg near Ludwigsburg in central Wuerttemberg where many of them remained prisoners for a long time. When some parents refused to send their children to school the pupils were taken away to the orphanage at Stuttgart, the capital of Wuerttemberg.In 1811, some Separatists from Rottenacker bought the local 'Vogthaus' (today the Protestant ministry) near the church where they lived in a community of goods. Six years later, together with Separatists from other villages, they acquired an estate named Brandenburg near the border to Bavaria where they intended to found a community based on their religious principles. However, King Friedich of Wuerttemberg refused permission.

Adresse: 89616 Rottenacker
Stadt: Rottenacker
Postleitzahl: 89616

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