
Rutesheim Kontakt Informationen


Rutesheim is a German town located in Baden-Württemberg in the district of Böblingen.LocationRutesheim is situated directly to the Highway 8, 5km from the town Leonberg, 18km from the town Stuttgart and just 22km from Airport Stuttgart and from the new exhibition center, 7km way west from the town Heimsheim.´HistoryRutesheim was first mentioned in the year 767 in a deed from the convent of Lorsch.The council of Ministers decided on 22. January 2008, to award Rutesheim on 1. July 2008 the designation town. Prime minister Oettinger assigned on 26. June 2008 the deed of the town in a ceremonial act.Population developmentThe sources are census results or the data of the statistical office Baden-Württemberg.PoliticsMayorSince 2002 Dieter Hofmann is the mayor of the city. On January 2010 he was reelected for the next eight years with 98,2% of the votes.City CouncilThe current legislative period lasts until 2014. Distribution of seats after the election of June 2009:PartnershipsScheibbs (Niederösterreich), since 1972Saalburg-Ebersdorf (Thüringen), since 1989Perosa Argentina (Italien), friendship treaty since October 2008ReligionsThere are three Evangelic, one Evangelic-Methodistic and one Roman Catholic as well as two New-Apostolic churches in Rutesheim.

Adresse: 71277 Rutesheim
Stadt: Rutesheim
Postleitzahl: 71277

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