
Schkeuditz Kontakt Informationen


Schkeuditz is a town in the district of Nordsachsen, in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. It is situated on the White Elster river, 12 km northwest of Leipzig. Leipzig/Halle Airport is located in Schkeuditz. The letter processing center for the greater Leipzig region is also located in Schkeuditz. Schkeuditz is also known for the first Autobahnkreuz in Germany called the "Schkeuditzer Kreuz"Population over timeThe population development over time is given in the following table. Like many towns in east Germany, the population is lower today than just after reunification.* using the current town boundaries (Am: city limits). The town boundaries have expanded over time as shown in the following section.

Adresse: 04435 Schkeuditz
Stadt: Schkeuditz
Postleitzahl: 04435

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