
Schotten Kontakt Informationen


Schotten is a town in the middle of Hesse, Germany. Larger towns nearby include Alsfeld in the north, Fulda in the east, Friedberg in the south and Gießen in the west.GeographyLocationThe officially recognised climatic spa lies between 168 m and 773 m above sea level on the western slope of the Vogelsberg Mountains. Nearby are Hoherodskopf (764 m) and Taufstein (773 m), the two highest peaks in the High Vogelsberg Nature Park. Schotten is a tourist town thanks to reliably high snowfall in the winter and hiking opportunities in the summer in the extensive forests. Watersports are also possible on the Nidda Reservoir.In the outermost northwestern municipal area is the source of the river Nidda, a favourite destination for hikers.Neighbouring communitiesSchotten borders in the north on the town of Ulrichstein, in the northeast on the town of Herbstein, in the east on the community of Grebenhain, in the south on the town of Gedern and the community of Hirzenhain (both in the Wetteraukreis), and in the west on the town of Nidda (Wetteraukreis) and the town of Laubach (district).

Adresse: 63679 Schotten
Stadt: Schotten
Postleitzahl: 63679

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