
Schwelm Kontakt Informationen


Schwelm is a town in the district of Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis in the administrative region of Arnsberg within the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.GeographySchwelm is situated in the southeast of the "Ruhrgebiet", the Ruhr district of Germany, between Westphalia and the "Bergisches Land". Schwelm is commonly known as the "Pforte Westfalens" ("Gate to Westphalia").Neighbouring placesSurrounding towns include Ennepetal, Gevelsberg, Sprockhövel and Wuppertal.Division of the townSchwelm is called the "town of neighbourhoods". It is made up of the following 13 neighbourhoods: Aechte de Muer Brunnen Fronhof Linderhausen Loh Möllenkotten Oberstadt Oehde Ossenkamp Parliament Rote Wasser Winterberg Zur alten PostHistoryThe history of Schwelm can be traced back to the ninth century, where it is first mentioned as "Suelmiu". The city of Schwelm was officially established in 1496 and became seat of the Ennepe-Ruhr district in 1929. According to its area, Schwelm is the smallest town in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Adresse: Schwelm
Stadt: Schwelm

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