
Seelze Kontakt Informationen


Seelze is a town in the district of Hanover, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated on the river Leine, approx. 10 km west of Hanover. Today Seelze mainly plays the role of a bedroom town for commuters working in Hanover.Division of the town Seelze Letter Almhorst Dedensen Lohnde Döteberg Harenberg Gümmer Velber Kirchwehren LathwehrenMuseumThe local museum and museum of local history is situated in a timber framed building from 1856 at the incorporated district of Letter. Subjects of the museum are aspecially: History of Seelze and its incorporated villages, history of the integration of German postwar refugees from former German territories, belonging now to Russia and Poland, history of Seelze Rangierbahnhof . About tree times a year are shown special exhibitions. In the permanent exhibition are to be seen a shoemaker's workshop from about 1930, a hairdresser's shop from about 1920, a schoolroom of a village from about 1900 and a living room of about 1900.

Adresse: 30926 Seelze
Stadt: Seelze
Postleitzahl: 30926

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