
Sinzing Kontakt Informationen


Sinzing is a municipality in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria in Germany.HistorySinzing first appears in historical records in 921. In 1031, the part known as Eilsbrunn was mentioned. This part was, however, almost completely destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. The fortifications in Niederviehhausen were also destroyed; only a tower is still visible. From 1145 until 1966, it was possible to cross the Danube at Sinzing, and until 1485, Sinzing was part of the trade route between Regensburg and Nürnberg. Wine was cultivated in Sinzing up until the 17th century. In the 19th century Sinzing had many mills, some paper factories and a tobacco factory.The modern district was created in 1972 by the incorporation of the previously independent districts of Sinzing, Viehhausen, Eilsbrunn, and Bergmatting. The Gaststätte Röhrl, the oldest continuously operated restaurant in the world, is located in Eilsbrunn.

Adresse: 93161 Sinzing
Stadt: Sinzing
Postleitzahl: 93161

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