
Steinfurt Kontakt Informationen


Steinfurt is a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the capital of the district of Steinfurt.GeographySteinfurt is situated north-west of Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia. Its name came into being in 1975 when the two hitherto independent towns Borghorst and Burgsteinfurt amalgamated. Borghorst became a prosperous city due to its flourishing textile industry, whereas Burgsteinfurt has always rather been coined by culture and administration. Tourists of the 19th century passing Burgsteinfurt praised the city as "Paradise of Westphalia" and "Royal Diamond" (Königsdiamant) because of its 75 monumental buildings and the moated castle.Neighbouring municipalitiesSteinfurt borders Ochtrup, Wettringen, Neuenkirchen, Emsdetten, Nordwalde, Altenberge, Laer, Horstmar and Metelen.Division of the townSteinfurt consists of Borghorst and Burgsteinfurt, each with three attached farming communities:HistoryBurgsteinfurt is among the most remarkable places in Münsterland. Predominantly influenced by Protestants, it is home to one of the oldest academies of continuing education in Westphalia. It harbours buildings of all ages and one of the most beautifully moated castles in the entire region. These landmarks distinguish "Stemmert" – as it is often called by its inhabitants – from the neighbouring countryside. Additionally a delightful landscape can be found in Burgsteinfurt, especially the Bagno, a forested amusement park which dates back to the 18th century with one of the oldest free-standing European concert halls.

Adresse: Steinfurt
Stadt: Burgsteinfurt

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