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The table of contents in the new handbook SUPER 8:

01. Let’s get started – 17 insider tips for absolute beginners
02. Inventors and their creations – A tangle of film formats
03. You can’t avoid theory completely – What’s inside a movie camera?
04. Let the fun begin – Choosing the right camera
05. The agony of choice – Which film for your camera?
06. Camera ready, film loaded – Shooting with Super 8
07. Followthe doctor’s orders –Keep your camera running and running and running
08. Doing it yourself can be fun – Dazzling development!
09. From analog to digital – Scanning Super 8
10. Snip, snip – Cutting, splicing and viewing
11. The real thing – Choosing the right projector
12. Fit for the future – Film care and storage
13. Submit your film – Super 8 festivals and competitions
14. Labs, Shops and Internet sites – The Super 8 Universe
15. Super 8 Market – Small format shopping

Hier steht mehr zum Inhalt des neuen SUPER 8 Handbuchs. Das sind die Kapitel:

01. Jetzt geht’s los – 17 Insider-Tipps für blutige Anfänger
02. Erfindungen und ihre Entdecker – Flottes Wirrwarr der Filmformate
03. Ganz ohne Theorie geht’s nie – Was steckt in einer Filmkamera?
04. Damit der Spaß beginnen kann – Die richtige Filmkamera
05. Qual derWahl – Welcher Film kommt in die Kamera?
06. Kamera ab, Film läuft – Dreh mit Super 8
07. Gute Pflege, Herr Doktor – Damit die Kamera läuft und läuft und läuft
08. Selbermachen kann Spaß bringen – Prächtig entwickeln!
09. Aus analog wird digital – Super 8 abtasten lassen
10. Schnipp, schnapp, ab – Schneiden, Kleben und Betrachten
11. Für den, der es echt mag – Ein richtiger Projektor muss her
12. Fit für die Zukunft – Filmpflege und Filmlagerung
13. Schick’ Deinen Film ein – Super 8 Festivals und Wettbewerbe
14. Labore, Geschäfte, Internetquellen – Das Super 8 Universum
15. Super 8 Markt – Schmalfilm Shopping

Jürgen Lossau: Super 8, 148 x 210 mm, ca. 290 Seiten, 200 Color-Fotos, deutsch/english, ISBN 978-3-938619-03-2

Everything you always wanted to know about super8 but were afraid to ask. Or all you can possibly eat super8! A new fresh made book that covers all aspects of making a super8 movie, what more do you want?
Frank Bruinsma, Super 8 Reversal Lab, The Netherlands

The book is beautiful - of the highest quality. I also like to see that the book is relatively small so that it can be easily toted around as an on-set reference/resource (like LA-411). Some of the information you put in on slice tape, splicers, cement, etc was even used to update our website with more accurate information!

Your book really delves into where to go for any and all services that can be very difficult to find - very good for resources. It also provides current information on what films, splicers, tapes, etc are available and where to get most of them with hints on performance. I also see very detailed info on many cameras with tips on what to look for. Plus detailed charts on all the film formats I can think of (very nice)! I also enjoyed reading about film storage options.

In addition, if the book price is low enough I think it may be worth showing to a few colleges I know of. You want this since college texts are normally a mandatory purchase for all students. But, the colleges will only go for it if the books are not too expensive.
Doug Thomas, Spectra Film & Video, North Hollywood, CA, USA

Here’s good news for anyone who is interested in using real film because it answers all those important questions that a prospective film maker might ask themselves.
For example...
..."How is film different than video? How do I find the right camera? What film stocks are available today? There are more than 30 types! Where and how is it developed? How can I do it myself? Who should I let repair my camera? How do I maintain it? What digital scanners are available for Super 8?"
Taking it into the digital age it answers the questions: "How do I edit film on computer and use the additional possibilities it offers: Image stabilization, colour correction, film improvement with Avisynth?"
And then goes on to the nitty-gritty of: "How do I work with wet or tape splicers? What projectors are most efficient? Which competitions can I submit my film to?"
Adding, finally: "What I need to know about the history of film formats: 9.5 mm, 16 mm, 8 mm, Super 8, Double Super 8 and Single-8?"
Researched and written by Jürgen Lossau, the long time editor of 'Schmalfilm', he is well acquainted with both digital and analog media and produces this book from a highly qualified background. It is in dual language for - English and German - printed on good quality paper with first-class descriptive illustrations throughout.
There is also a touch of humour in its chapter titles such as 'Follow the doctor’s orders – Keep your camera running and running and running'. Surely a book that should be in every film makers library, and you can find out more about it by clicking on the EITHER illustration.
Tony Shapps, London, United Kingdom

Wow! I thumbed through the new book and was excited! My compliments! Great design, clear structure, profound information. A must for all users of Super 8.
Daniel Wittner, Wittner Cinetec, Hamburg, Germany

Just got my copy of SUPER 8, the book very nice, can see that a lot of love went in to this book! Keep up the good work. Very much worth it and good value.
Christopher Nigel, USA

Great design and illustration as usual! Congratulations, looks like much work went into it.
William Montgomery, Dallas, Texas, USA

I just received my copy of SUPER 8 and have to say the book is very nicely designed, up-to-date, and quite comprehensive. Great job, Jürgen!
Glenn Brady, North Carolina, USA

Your book just arrived and I have only thumbed through it, but it looks FANTASTIC! Can’t wait to start reading it tonight! Congratulations!
Rhonda Vigeant, Pro8mm, USA

Congratulations on your new book, I hope it is a big success!
Joe Tuffis, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, USA

I have received the book and it is an excellent effort. As someone who has been shooting home movies since the age of 12 rather than 16, I feel that I can make a couple of comments however: :-)

1. You say that ALL super-8 cameras have a daylight converion filter. Actually, this is not true. The later Kodak XL cameras (perhaps the "Our Gang" 340 and 360?) were made with no filter, to shoot only the Ektachrome 160 Type G film which was an ASA 160 daylight balanced film, not to be confused with the regular E160 which was tungsten. It had some sort of special sensitizing or low color saturation, so it only looked terrible instead of nauseatingly horrible when filming with tungsten light. ;-) I think this concept was an idiotic flop (if only because the user couldn't film with Kodachrome) and wasn't around long, perhaps it was never sold in Germany? Anyway most of the Kodak XL and Ektasound cameras no longer run, because the motor gear was made out of some rubbery plastic (or maybe plastic-y rubber) for quiet running, which decomposed into a powder with time.

2. You say that the Morse G3 processing tank has aluminum adjustable spools. It has been perhaps 40 years since I owned one, but I am positive that in mine they were stainless steel instead. Aluminum would be a poor choice owing to reacting with the chemicals, especially the bleach solution.

3. I think the separation of "scanners" from implied "sleazy projection devices" is an artificial one that does not necessarily reflect the results obtained. We have been told by several customers that our higher end TVT machines put out a far better picture than the 10x-20x the price Flashscan for example. They are just not intended to transfer from negative.
Clive Tobin, Tobin Cinema Systems, USA

Just ordered your SUPER 8 book. It looks fantastic and I can't wait to receive my copy. Funny enough I have just had my Nizo Professional fully serviced so news of your book is a timely reminder!
Matthew Johnson, London, United Kingdom

Woaw. I dreamed of it, and you did it!
Gabriel Goubet, Strasbourg, France

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Stadt: Hamburg

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