
telc English Kontakt Informationen

telc English


telc English (https://www.telc.net/en/company-details.html) offers language certification for adults, young people and professionals linked to the CEFR.



BE PART OF IT: We at telc believe in forging strong partnerships that last, make a difference and are mutually beneficial. On the telc English! Facebook page we want to give English language specialists and learners around the globe the opportunity to exchange ideas, share classroom experiences, post interesting links and videos, ask questions or just have a chat while practicing their English skills. Everyone is welcome to join us on our mission to cross geographic borders and break down language barriers!

MAKE A DIFFERENCE: We want you to feel comfortable, have fun and enjoy interacting with the telc English! community. This is why we ask you to think before you post! Make valuable contributions that you think will enrich and positively impact the community in a respectful and kind manner. Our administrators will carefully monitor the conversations for your protection and intervene if necessary.

DO IT RIGHT: Get familiar with the Facebook regulations > http://www.facebook.com/terms.php and avoid above all any content that is hateful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, aggressive, discriminating, pornographic, unlawful, that infringes property laws or rights of privacy. Any form of aggressive or bullying behaviour on our page will not be tolerated. If anyone feels that they are being harassed via our page, please contact us immediately: info@telc.net.

HAVE YOUR SAY: We know that we all are different and therefore have different opinions. Every post on this page is meant to convey the personal opinion of its author and remains his or her own responsibility. The administrators of the page will review and moderate the content, but telc GmbH and its employees cannot be held responsible for material that is posted by users.


Adresse: Bleichstraße 1, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Telefonnummer: +49 69 956246-10
Stadt: Frankfurt
Postleitzahl: 60313


Montag: 08:00 - 17:30
Dienstag: 08:00 - 17:30
Mittwoch: 08:00 - 17:30
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 17:30
Freitag: 08:00 - 16:30

ähnliche suchanfragen: Telc C1 Hochschule Prüfung Termine Frankfurt, Sprachschule Frankfurt, Telc B2 Prüfung Termine Frankfurt 2021, Telc B1 Prüfung Frankfurt am Main, B2 telc Prüfung Frankfurt, Englischkurs in Frankfurt am Main, Sprachschule Hessen, Sprachschule Frankfurt Bockenheim
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