
Timestorm Films Kontakt Informationen

Timestorm Films


Based in southern Germany, Timestorm Films founded by Martin Heck specializes in high quality motion-control time-lapse cinematography.


I am a young film-maker specialising in time-lapse cinematography. Around 5 years ago I started time-lapse shooting with a basic point-and-shoot camera by speeding up live video in post-production. Pretty quick it became clear that this isn’t the proper way to create extraordinary time-lapse pieces. By purchasing a DSLR I was able to achieve a massive improvement in quality.

The next advance came in the field of camera movement so I started to build my own Motion-Control gear, usable for time-lapse. I constructed several small, motorised camera sliders. I developed this into a system which can be used either as motion controlled time-lapse-slider or as jib with length from 1m to 4m.

After completing some commercial time-lapse cinematography contracts in 2013, I decided to invest in professional motion-control equipment including some basic Kessler gear, a Dynamic Perception Stage One and an eMotimo for advanced motion-control time-lapse.

My goal with time-lapse-photography is to capture what can’t be seen by the human eye in combination with the most beautiful landscapes and impressive cityscapes.

Adresse: -, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Stadt: Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Postleitzahl: 82467

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