
Treysa Kontakt Informationen


Treysa, which has been an independent city up to 1970, is the biggest district of the German city Schwalmstadt. It was incorporated into Schwalmstadt in December 1970.Geographic locationThe location around Treysa and Schwalmstadt is called Schwalm. The historic city lies on a hill which is up to 35 meters higher than the valley where the river Wiera enters in the Schwalm. To protect the city of floods, a detention basin had been built.HistoryDuring the 8th century, the city Treise was a part of the Hersfeld Abbey. The counts of the district Ziegenhain, who have been reeves of the Abbey, conquered Treysa in 1186. The town's landmark is the so-called Totenkirche, which has been earlier called Martinskirche and had been built in 1230. Between 1229 and 1270, Treysa received its town charter. After the death of the last count of Ziegenhain, the complete countship entered into possession of the Landgraviate of Hesse.In August 1945, there had been conferences about the founding of the Evangelical Church in Germany in Treysa. Thereby a union of the Lutheranism church, the continental reformed church and the united and uniting churches had been fulfilled.On December 31, 1970, the district Treysa had been incorporated to Schwalmstadt.TrafficThrough Treysa goes the federal highway 454.

Adresse: 34613 Schwalmstadt
Stadt: Schwalmstadt
Postleitzahl: 34613

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