
Tropical Forestry Kontakt Informationen

Tropical Forestry


Official Facebook page of the M.Sc. course Tropical Forestry at TU Dresden, Germany


The M.Sc. course Tropical Forestry is a two-year international course taught in English which has been provided and continuously updated since 1995.

For its excellent performance the master course was awarded with the quality label “TOP 10 international Master’s Degree Courses Made in Germany” in 2008 by the German Science Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and re-accredited in 2014 by ASIIN. Founded in 1811, the Forestry School of TU Dresden is one of the oldest in the world.

The M.Sc. course Tropical Forestry qualifies future decision-makers and change agents to develop sustainable forest management strategies at all levels and implement development-relevant interventions in rural and semi-urban areas.

Multi/Inter-disciplinary and research-focused
Our internationally experienced scientists provide you with relevant theoretical and practical knowledge about ecological, technical, social and economic aspects of sustainable forest management as well as the methodological and communicative soft skills which are required to implement them. Interaction and collaboration with our PhD students enable you to gain easy and direct insight into current research projects. Three semesters are composed of attendance studies, whereas in the fourth semester you have the opportunity to apply their newly gained knowledge during their your research in a (sub)tropical country which may be your home country.

Opens opportunities
After graduation you are qualified to pursue a professional career in the field of forest conservation, management and administration, rural development, international development cooperation, consulting and advisory services, or research and teaching either in the public or private sector.

International, individual and in a science-based
Each year 15 to 20 new students from all around the globe get together on the campus of TUD's Department of Forest Science in Tharandt close to Dresden where lectures takes place. Such small classes enable our course tutors to support each student personally beginning with your application, during your arrival, throughout your stay in Germany, until your graduation and beyond. The small town of Tharandt is nestled in the valley adjacent to Tharandt forest and can be reached by train from Dresden in 25 minutes.

Being a public university, TU Dresden does not charge tuition fees! Only a small contribution to the student’s union and to give you free access to regional public transportation will be charged which is less than EUR 45 per month. Your cost of living in Dresden amounts to less than 600€/month. There are many additional financial discounts for students available. Your studies are taught in English, but if you like to acquire more language skills, we provide free language courses for all course participants on campus.

Adresse: Pienner Straße 7, 01737 Tharandt
Stadt: Tharandt
Postleitzahl: 01737

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Gute Vorlesung. Hat alles gepasst
It is located at the pace where the forest department should be. Narrow valley and feels suffocating sometimes. You need to go to a botanic garden to refresh yourselves. Übersetzt von Google Es befindet sich in dem Tempo, in dem die Forstabteilung sein sollte. Schmales Tal und fühlt sich manchmal erstickend an. Sie müssen in einen botanischen Garten gehen, um sich zu erfrischen.
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