
Tüßling Kontakt Informationen


Tüßling is a town in the district of Altötting in Bavaria in Germany.People associated with Tüßling Josef Kammhuber, was a career officer in the Luftwaffe and post-World War II German Air Force, best known as the first general of night fighters in the Luftwaffe during World War II, and the first Inspector of the Air Force of the modern-day German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr. Karl Freiherr Michel von Tüßling, was an Schutzstaffel (SS) officer who served in the Nazi government of German dictator Adolf Hitler and in the SS Main Office. From 1936 onwards, he was the personal adjutant of Reichsleiter and SS-Obergruppenführer Philipp Bouhler. He reached the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer.

Adresse: 84577 Tüßling
Stadt: Tüßling
Postleitzahl: 84577

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