
Üdersdorf Kontakt Informationen


Üdersdorf is an Ortsgemeinde – a municipality belonging to a Verbandsgemeinde, a kind of collective municipality – in the Vulkaneifel district in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It belongs to the Verbandsgemeinde of Daun, whose seat is in the like-named town.GeographyLocationThe municipality lies in the Vulkaneifel, a part of the Eifel known for its volcanic history, geographical and geological features, and even ongoing activity today, including gases that sometimes well up from the earth.Üdersdorf is a state-recognized recreational resort (Erholungsort) and offers a great many hiking trails in thickly wooded surroundings.The maars (crater lakes) and the Lieser valley are right nearby. Not much farther away lie the spa towns of Daun and Manderscheid as well as the Nürburgring.Constituent communitiesÜdersdorf’s two outlying Ortsteile are Tettscheid and Trittscheid.HistoryIn 1287, Üdersdorf had its first documentary mention in a donation document in which the earnings from the village of Oistersdorf were transferred to Himmerod Abbey. In 1563, twelve “hearths”, or households, and some 70 inhabitants were counted in Üdersdorf; Trittscheid and Tettscheid had seven households each.

Adresse: 54552 Üdersdorf
Stadt: Üdersdorf
Postleitzahl: 54552

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