
Veringenstadt Kontakt Informationen


Veringenstadt is a town in the district of Sigmaringen, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated 10 km north of Sigmaringen.Geographical locationVeringenstadt is situated in the valley of the Lauchert, a tributary of the Danube, between Gammertingen and Sigmaringen. The municipality area is 3125 hectares.GeologyThe municipality Veringenstadt lies on the Lauchertgraben . East of Veringendorf a petrified sponge reef can be seen, which was created 140 million years ago.HistoryThe area of the present municipality Veringenstadt was already settled in early historical times. The town itself is an ancient settlement which was already mentioned in a document around the year 786. It derives its name from a certain "Fara" or "Faro", was so well earlier "Faringa", about 1130 Veringin, later always Veringen. The counts of Veringen were one of the wealthiest and most respected dynasties of the 11th and 12th century in southern Germany. Through targeted resettlement of population from the surrounding hamlets succeeded about 1250 the foundation of the city of Veringen (today Veringenstadt). After the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) about 1650 farmers from Tirol were recruited for Veringenstadt and settled here. From 1827 to 1925 Veringenstadt belonged to Oberamt Gammertingen. 1850 it became as part of the principality Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen prussian, and belonged to the province of Hohenzollern. Ore was mined in the 18th and 19th century. Since 1927 the municipality belongs to the district of Sigmaringen. Since 1945, the city belonged to Württemberg-Hohenzollern, which opened in Baden-Württemberg in 1952. By the inclusion of expellees after 1945, the population of Veringenstadt has nearly doubled in the 1950s. On February 1, 1972 Hermentingen was incorporated. The incorporation of Veringendorf was on January 1, 1975.

Adresse: 72519 Veringenstadt
Stadt: Veringenstadt
Postleitzahl: 72519

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