
Visit Trier Kontakt Informationen


Check all the latest news about Germany's oldest city: events, special offers, guided tours and cultural activities are just one click away!


To facilitate synergies, to build up cooperation, and to achieve more as a team: the new Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH, abbreviated ttm, has pursued these goals in Trier since January 2014 more intensely than ever before. The ttm combines the tasks hitherto performed by various civic agencies under one roof: event management, civic and regional marketing, city tours and hotel bookings, quality service for guests in Trier, advertisement, and public relations as well as marketing for Trier’s convention and trade fair activities and the cultural and creative economy. The ttm places great stock in close cooperation with different partners from society and the economy.

The result: a unified event and marketing management that not only organizes quality cultural and touristic services with new goals and new opportunities but also designs and develops. The focus in this area is the enlivening of the Roman heritage, which Trier can rightly be proud of. Porta Nigra, Amphitheater or Roman Bridge: What the Romans left behind about 1800 years ago is to be spotlighted by a modern and creative event format, conceiving of Trier’s structures not only as backdrop but also as a Trier living environment.

Furthermore, the ttm is working intensively to constantly improve and develop of service quality. Whoever comes to Trier, books a tour or a room, enjoys a vintner’s meal with a wine tasting in a wine room, or explores the region on hiking or cycling trails: The quality is assured beforehand by experienced ttm employees and is regularly checked. Naturally the same goes for the assurance of quality within our own walls.

Adresse: Simeonstrasse 55, 54290 Trier
Telefonnummer: +49-651-97808-0
Stadt: Trier
Postleitzahl: 54290


Montag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 09:00 - 17:00
Samstag: 09:00 - 17:00
Sonntag: 09:00 - 17:00

ähnliche suchanfragen: Trier Geheimtipps, Trier Sightseeing, Trier Shopping, Trier Tourismus, Trier Sehenswürdigkeiten Rundgang, Trier Innenstadt, Trier Museum, Trier Stadtplan
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