
Vlotho Kontakt Informationen


Vlotho is a town in the district of Herford, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.GeographyVlotho is located along the Weser river, south of the Wiehengebirge, bordering on the Ravensberger Hügelland in the west, Lipperland in the south, and the Weserbergland in the east. The Weser river runs through the city east to north and thus separates the northeast part of the town, Uffeln, from the rest of the city. The highest point is the Bonstapel at 342 m in the south-east.Neighbouring municipalitiesVlotho borders on Herford and Löhne in the west, Bad Oeynhausen and Porta Westfalica (both Minden-Lübbecke district) in the north, Kalletal in the east, and Lemgo and Bad Salzuflen (both Lippe district) in the south.Division of the town Exter Uffeln Valdorf Vlotho

Adresse: 32602 Vlotho
Stadt: Vlotho
Postleitzahl: 32602

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