
Vogelkoje Kampen Kontakt Informationen

Vogelkoje Kampen
Adresse: Am Kliff 19A, 25980 Sylt, Deutschland
Telefonnummer: 04651 871077
Zustand: Schleswig-Holstein
Stadt: Sylt
Postleitzahl: 25980

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Mitten in der Wildnis
vor 7 jahren (02-02-2018)
This review is for the Kampener Vogelkoje of Sylt -- the bird cage natural park area -- and not the restaurant. Sylt is a beautiful island though a bit too posh for me. I was seriously grateful, then, to find this small plot of unspoiled land. For 6 euros, 4 with a Sylt guest card, you can get away from it all and get back to nature. I went in October so there weren't a lot of birds, but the trees were beautiful and there's one part where you can walk along the dike at the beach. There is just one long duck cage remaining. The story is utterly fascinating but unfortunately there is no English explanation. If you love nature and feel like a short walk -- you'll cover the place in an hour maximum -- the Vogelkoje will be a refreshing stop. Closed on windy days due to the danger of falling trees.
vor 7 jahren (06-11-2017)
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