
Völklingen Kontakt Informationen


Völklingen is a town in the district of Saarbrücken, in Saarland, Germany. It is situated on the river Saar, approx. 10 km west of Saarbrücken.The town is known for its industrial past, the Völklinger Hütte (ironworks) being declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.HistoryVölklingen is situated on the fertile alluvial plane at the confluence of the river Rossel and of the river Köller into the river Saar. In antiquity it was settled by Celtic tribes, then by the Romans.Middle AgesFranconian ColonizationThe Franks colonized the area between the 5th and 9th centuries.First Documented MentionVölkingen was initially referred to as "Fulcolingas" by Durandis, Vice Chancellor to Louis the Pious in 822.Peasant SettlementPeasants living in the area were subject to taxation by the Count of Saarbrücken.Early Modern PeriodPeasant UprisingThe peasants of Völkingen revolted against the Count of Saarbrücken in 1566, when he ordered the construction of the Homburger castle.DistrictsThe city is divided into ten districts: Völkingen Fenne Fürstenhausen, home to the coking plant Geislautern Heidstock Lauterbach Ludweiler Luisenthal Röchlinghöhe Wehrden

Adresse: 66301–66333 Völklingen
Stadt: Völklingen
Postleitzahl: 66301–66333

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