
Waiblingen Kontakt Informationen


Waiblingen is a town in the southwest of Germany, located in the center of the densely populated Stuttgart Region, directly neighboring Stuttgart. It is the capital of the Rems-Murr district. As of September 30, 2004 Waiblingen accommodated 52,948 inhabitants (25,953 men and 26,995 women).As of December 31, 2004, the area of the town (including all external properties, such as forests) was.HistoryWaiblingen was first mentioned in Carolingian documents in 885 at the time of Charles the Fat. It received its town charter in 1250.Waiblingen was the property of the Salian kings, from whom the Hohenstaufen dukes and kings inherited it. It is assumed that the Italian name of the Hohenstaufen party, Ghibelline, is derived from "Waiblingen".The town was almost completely destroyed in 1634 during the Thirty Years' War, and its citizens either killed or deported. It was rebuilt after the war; the existing old central part of the town dates back to the years between 1640 and 1700. Its fortifications are now well restored.IncorporationThe following towns were incorporated into Waiblingen: December 1, 1971: BeinsteinJanuary 1, 1975: Bittenfeld, Hegnach, Hohenacker and Neustadt

Adresse: 71331–71336 Waiblingen
Stadt: Waiblingen
Postleitzahl: 71331–71336

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