
Waibstadt Kontakt Informationen


Waibstadt is a town in the district of Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.It belongs to the municipal administration union "Waibstadt", which consists of Epfenbach, Helmstadt-Bargen, Neckarbischofsheim, Neidenstein, Reichartshausen and Waibstadt itself. Furthermore, it is part of the touristic region Brunnenregion.GeographyGeographic locationWaibstadt is located in the valley of the Schwarzbach in the northern Kraichgau, about 25 km southeast of Heidelberg and about 6 km north of Sinsheim.Neighbour municipalitiesThe town is surrounded in the northwest by Neidenstein, in the north by Epfenbach, in the northeast by Helmstadt-Bargen, in the east by Neckarbischofsheim, in the south by Sinsheim and in the west by Zuzenhausen and Eschelbronn.Parts of townBesides the main town Waibstadt, the two villages Daisbach and Bernau are part of Waibstadt.

Adresse: 74915 Waibstadt
Stadt: Waibstadt
Postleitzahl: 74915

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