
Waldstetten Kontakt Informationen


Waldstetten is a town in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, in Ostalbkreis district.Economy and InfrastructureEstablished businessesIn Waldstetten are mainly medium and small enterprises located. One of them is the kitchen manufacturer Leicht Küchen, established in 1928. In Germany, the company has approximately 850 employees.EducationIn Waldsteten is the Franz von Assisi -School, a free Catholic Realschule. There is also the Unterm Hohenrechberg school. Moreover, there is a pure primary school in Wißgoldingen. The child care is ensured by four Roman Catholic kindergartens.Regular eventsThe Albmarathon, a 50-kilometer ultramarathon runs regularly through the municipality.Sons and daughters of the town Bernhard Rieger (1922-2013), a Catholic theologian and Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg-StuttgartOther personalities Michael Brenner, jurist, professor of German and European Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Jena, lives in Waldstetten. Simon Baumgarten, handball player, grew up in Wißgoldingen and attended the Realschule Waldstetten. Dominik Kaiser, football player, played in his youth for TSGV Waldstetten. Carina Vogt, German ski jumper and Olympic champion, lives in Waldstetten.

Adresse: 73550 Waldstetten
Stadt: Waldstetten
Postleitzahl: 73550

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