
Weinbach Kontakt Informationen



Weinbach is a community in Limburg-Weilburg district in Hesse, Germany.GeographyLocationWeinbach lies on the Lahn and the Weil between Wetzlar and Limburg an der Lahn.Neighbouring communitiesWeinbach borders in the north on the town of Weilburg, in the east on the community of Weilmünster, and in the west on the community of Villmar and the town of Runkel (all in Limburg-Weilburg).Constituent communitiesWeinbach is made up of eight Ortsteile. The main centre is also called Weinbach, and the outlying centres are Blessenbach, Edelsberg, Elkerhausen, Freienfels, Fürfurt, Gräveneck and Kleinweinbach.HistoryFürfurt was mentioned in a document from sometime between 1148 and 1154, thus making it the first part of the community to have its first documentary mention. Elkerhausen’s first documentary mention came in 1191. The knightly family who lived there was heavily involved in a feud in the 14th century with the landlord, the Archbishop of Trier. The Elkerhauser Wasserburg (a moated castle) was destroyed in 1352. About 1500, there arose a stronghouse out of which a new castle grew.Edelsberg had its first documentary mention in 1246, Blessenbach in 1267 and Weinbach in 1344. Freienfels Castle was built about 1300, presumably by the Diez family’s Weilnau branch. In 1327 it had its first documentary mention. Gräveneck Castle was built in 1395 by a knightly order under Nassau’s leadership to guard against the Knights of Elkerhausen.

Adresse: 35796 Weinbach
Stadt: Weinbach
Postleitzahl: 35796

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