
Wiesbaden-Erbenheim Kontakt Informationen


Erbenheim is a borough of Wiesbaden, capital of the federal state of Hesse, Germany. It was incorporated into Wiesbaden on April 10, 1928. The population is around 9,000.Erbenheim has a tower named Erbenheimer Warte, part of a series of watchtowers built in the late 15th Century. Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, a United States Army installation, is located just south of Erbenheim and is also known as Militärflugplatz-Erbenheim.Adjoining districts and characteristicsAdjoining districts are Biebrich, Bierstadt, Igstadt, Mainz-Kastel, Nordenstadt und Südost. The nearby U.S. Army airfield Clay Kaserne is situated towards the districts Delkenheim and Nordenstadt. In the Middle Ages Erbenheim was an autonomous city. The Erbenheimer Warte, which is located already in the area of Mainz-Kastel, was in medieval times a watchtower of the Territorial Army of Mainz.The former race track of Wiesbaden is barely to perceive, you just can imagine it based on the remaining street Rennbahnstraße. Close to the townhall a public scale is situated, which is still in use.

Adresse: Wiesbaden-Erbenheim
Stadt: Erbenheim

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