
Worksheet Crafter Kontakt Informationen

Worksheet Crafter


Welcome to the Facebook page of Worksheet Crafter!
The powerful tool for Worksheet Creation.
Enjoy! - www.worksheetcrafter.com


SchoolCraft, the company behind Worksheet Crafter, is a family-owned software company based in southern Germany whose goal is to help primary and secondary school teachers around the world develop effective teaching templates and worksheets for their students. The company was founded by Fabian and Felix Röken, two long-time software entrepreneurs who themselves come from a family of teachers. Over 2,000 teachers across a handful of countries, and tens of thousands of school students, are benefiting from Worksheet Crafter and the teaching templates it helps create.

Adresse: Germany Würtingen
Telefonnummer: +49-7122-6999-000
Stadt: Würtingen
Postleitzahl: Germany

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