
World Heritage Studies - BTU Cottbus Kontakt Informationen


The international Master’s programme World Heritage Studies at BTU Cottbus equips students with knowledge and skills needed for the identification, protection, management and promotion of cultural and natural heritage sites.


Established in 1999, World Heritage Studies is the first study programme in the world to design its curriculum around the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, reflecting diverse approaches to the concept of heritage, such as the link between culture and nature, between tangible and intangible values, or between conservation and development.

The programme is based on a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach, and combines theory and practice through various academic fields. Through a belief that heritage can and should be understood and protected from a wide range of perspectives, the curriculum integrates the academic studies of humanities, architecture, conservation, ecology, cultural geography, management, tourism, marketing, public relations and beyond.

Through holding a UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies, the programme is embedded in the worldwide network of UNESCO Chairs. The programme cooperates with UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre in Paris, the German Commission for UNESCO, as well as many other heritage organisations all over the world.

Characterised by cultural, professional and academic diversity, the international World Heritage Studies Master’s programme promotes and fosters a globally conscious environment where students come together to innovate and re-contextualize heritage for the next generation.

Telefonnummer: +49 355 694880
Stadt: Cottbus

ähnliche suchanfragen: World Heritage Studies deutsch, Campus Cottbus, Heritage Conservation and Site Management, Fh Lausitz Cottbus, BTU Cottbus institute, BTU Cottbus Stadt- und Regionalplanung, BTU Cottbus Verwaltung, BTU Cottbus English
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