
Yunus Social Business Kontakt Informationen

Yunus Social Business


Yunus Social Business (YSB) provides finance and support for social entrepreneurs in emerging economies.


Yunus Social Business (YSB) provides finance and support for social entrepreneurs in emerging economies.

Unsere Aufgabe

Yunus Social Business believes in the power of business to end poverty. Our Philanthropic Venture Funds finance and support social businesses in developing economies, whilst our Corporate Initiatives guide multinationals to apply their core competencies to some of the greatest human challenges.

Founded in 2011, with headquarters in Berlin, our mission is to expand the Social Business model pioneered by Prof. Muhammad Yunus through the Yunus Center in Bangladesh to countries throughout the developing world.


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Yunus Social Business gGmbH
Niddastraße 63
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Vertreten durch:
Saskia Bruysten
Sophie Eisenmann

Telefon: +49 (0)69/9055-9030
E-Mail: [email protected]

Eintragung im Handelsregister.

Registergericht:Frankfurt am Main
Registernummer: 94021

"Yunus Social Business believes in the power of business to end poverty. We were founded in 2011 by Peace Nobel Laureate Prof. Yunus, Saskia Bruysten and Sophie Eisenmann to expand the success of social business from Bangladesh around the world.Our Philanthropic Venture Funds grow local social businesses that provide employment, education, healthcare, clean water and clean energy to over 3 million people in East Africa, Latin America & India.Our Corporate Initiatives have guided multinationals incl. Danone, Veolio, McCain, MAN, Tata to apply their core competences to some of the greatest human challenges."
Adresse: Kottbusser Damm 7, 10967 Berlin
Telefonnummer: +49 69 905590 30
Stadt: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10967

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