
Zhineng Qigong Zentrum ZQ4U Kontakt Informationen

Zhineng Qigong Zentrum ZQ4U


Zhineng Qigong


ZQ (=Zhineng Qigong) gilt im Qigong als effizienteste Form, um Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang zu bringen, und wird bei uns daher auch als das "medizinische" Qigong bezeichnet.
Diese wundervolle Methode ist einfach zu erlernen und sorgt gleichsam für eine Harmonisierung von Gedanken, Gefühlen und Handeln.

"Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren, aber man kann ihm helfen, sich selbst IN sich zu entdecken." (Taoistische Weisheit)

Neugierig? Brauchst du mehr Infos?
Dann besuche meine Website, auf der weiterführende Informationen und eine monatlich aktualisierte Übung (=Gong) zu finden ist.


Unsere Aufgabe

According to an old Hindu legend...there was once a time when all human beings were gods, but they so abused their divinity that Brahma, the master of gods, decided to take their devine power away from them and hide it where it could never be found.

Where to hide their divinity was the question.
So Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide.
"Let's bury it deep in the earth," said the gods. But Brahma answered: "No, that’s not enough because humans will dig and find it."
Then the gods suggested: "So let‘s sink it in the deepest ocean." But Brahma said: "No, not there, for humans will learn to dive into the ocean and will find it."
Then the gods proposed: "Let's take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there." But once again Brahma replied: "No, that we'll not do either, because humans will climb every mountain one day and once again take up their divinity."
Then the gods gave up and concluded: "We do not know where to hide it, because it seems that there is no place on earth or in the sea that human beings will not eventually reach."

Brahma thought for a long time and then said "Here is what we will do: We will hide their divinity in the deepest part of themselves, because this is the only place humans will never think to look in."

All the gods agreed that this was the perfect hiding place, and the deed was done.
And since that time humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, diving, climbing, and exploring - searching for something that already lives within themselves.

Do you agree that Zhineng Qigong is the most efficient and most pleasant way for humans to learn us the conciousness to look in ourselves and to find inwarding, what Brahma once tried to hide?
Zhineng Qigong shows us to FEEL ourselves - and our connection with divinity, the straight pipeline to universe.

Have a wonderful new week, all friends of zq4u.
Hun Yuan Ling Tong!


Seminare, verschiedene Workshops, Healing, Vertiefungsseminare und Ausbildungen
Zhineng Qigong

5-Elemente Ernähruns-Seminare, TCM, Akupunktur, Kinesiologie, Gua Sha Facial and Body

Adresse: An der Trave 158, 23795 Bad Segeberg
Telefonnummer: 04551 99 308 95
Stadt: Bad Segeberg
Postleitzahl: 23795

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