
Ziesar Kontakt Informationen


Ziesar is a town in the Potsdam-Mittelmark district, in Brandenburg, Germany. It is situated southwest of the town of Brandenburg.Local council SPD 4 seats Freie Bürger und Bauern (FBB) (Free citizens and farmers) 4 seats CDU 3 seatsLocal elections may 2014Sons and daughters of the city Johannes Aepinus (1499-1553), theologian and church reformer Paul Schneider (1863-1946), the secret war councilor, farmer and the last private owner of Castle Ziesar from 1917 to 1945Other personalities associated with the city Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926), painter

Adresse: 14793 Ziesar
Stadt: Ziesar
Postleitzahl: 14793

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