
Zorneding Kontakt Informationen


Zorneding is a community in the Upper Bavarian district of Ebersberg. It lies some 20 km east of Munich, Bavaria’s capital.GeographyNeighbouring communitiesIn the northwest, Zorneding borders on the community of Vaterstetten, in the northeast on the unincorporated area of the Ebersberg Forest (Ebersberger Forst), in the east on Kirchseeon, in the south on Oberpframmern and in the southwest on Munich district.HistoryZorneding had its first documentary mention on 4 September 813. A further documentary mention comes from the year 1156 when Zorneding was mentioned in the Falkensteiner Codex under the name Ingoltesperch (“Settlement at Ingolt’s Mountain”). Ludwig V, Duke of Upper Bavaria, Margrave of Tyrol and Brandenburg died in Zorneding in 1361 while hunting. Over the centuries, Zorneding grew ever more into a typical road-based town. The ancient Salt Road (nowadays Bundesstraße 304) gained more and more importance after Munich was founded. Pöring, with its centres of Ingelsberg and Wolfesing is a clearing settlement from the 6th and 7th centuries. In 885, “Peringan” had its first documentary mention. In 1156, “Ingoltesperch” was mentioned, and in 1269 so was “Wolfizzingen”. In 1750, Wolfesing was amalgamated with Pöring, and in 1815 so was Ingelsberg. In 1978, on the occasion of municipal reform, Pöring and Zorneding were merged into one community. At the same time, the centre of Baldham was transferred to Vaterstetten.

Adresse: 85604 Zorneding
Stadt: Zorneding
Postleitzahl: 85604

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