State Approved Vocational School for Yoga
Clear Knowledge - Traditional Ashtangayoga - Grounded Individuals.
ashtanga yogawerkstatt is shortened as ayw. We are a training school for Ashtangayoga teachers with a threeyear training program. The certificate is approved by the government and internationally recognized.
Daily classes and special projects round up our service to Ashtangayoga.
ashtanga yogawerkstatt
Beate Guttandin/Jürgen Freitag GbR
Trierer Str. 49
50674 Köln
fon: +49 (0)221- 3101242 and +49 (0)163-4207854
fax: +49 (0)221- 80 18 662
ashtanga yogawerkstatt
Sparkasse Köln/Bonn
account no. 42 67 20 30
bank code 370 501 98
tax no..: 214/5785/2555
sales tax ID: DE238793735
Responsible for content: Beate Guttandin
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