COMMON GROUND is an electronic makerlab, open workspace, DIY kit store and new/used synthesizer shop in the middle of Berlin-Neukölln!
COMMON GROUND is the latest project by the crew behind KOMA Elektronik. Over the past 6 years we have been building effect pedals, synth modules and other machines to make music with. We all are musicians, technicians and lovers of life. We all live in Neukölln, but come from all over the world.
We want COMMON GROUND to be a place where people who are into electronics and/or electronic music can come together, build together and learn together. We believe that by making it yourself you get better understanding of how electronic machines work and how you can use them.
At COMMON GROUND you can rent a desk to work on your own project in a professional environment with good equipment; you can buy a kit at the counter and build your own device; we host workshops about electronics, electronic music and invite makers over to talk about their craft. At our machine room you can rent time on for instance our CNC Machine, SMD Soldering Reflow Oven or CD Duplicator. We offer refreshments, both in-house and to take away and when you want to meet people in private, there is our schnaps deck where you can serve yourself.
We are looking forward to welcome you to our new space and to build stuff with you. When you have any further questions, come by or shoot us an email on!
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