
European Film Market - EFM Kontakt Informationen

European Film Market - EFM


The European Film Market (EFM) is the business platform of the Berlin International Film Festival where new films are presented to potential buyers.


Harnessing the energy of Berlin and the passion for film, the European Film Market is the business epicentre of one of the most important international film festivals in the world, the Berlinale.
Every February the EFM opens the grand doors to the Martin-Gropius-Bau and welcomes over 9,200 producers, buyers, sales agents, distributors, exhibitors and financiers to the first major film market of the year. It’s the first date in the industry’s calendar and regarded as an early indicator for the new film year. Our trusted organization and commitment to quality content from around the world brings together the right people at the right place and time, inspiring the conversations and connections that are the cornerstone of the business.

The meetings, the handshake, and the new film year… it all starts here.


Berlin International Film Festival
Potsdamer Platz 11
10785 Berlin
phone: +49 30 259 20 666

A division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH

Adresse: Berlin International Film Festival, 10785 Berlin
Telefonnummer: +49 30 259 20 666
Stadt: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10785

ähnliche suchanfragen: european film market 2019, berlinale 2019, efm 2019, efm abkürzung
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