The Hannover Medical School, founded in 1965, is a university medical centre in the city of Hanover, in Germany, part of a regional medical network.InternationalPhD students and scientists from all over the world are involved in a variety of research projects at the MHH and partner institutes. Recently Indo-German cooperation has taken place in 2006 and its ceremony was inaugurated on 3 April 2007. This is the first initiatives of the "Indo-German Science Center for Infectious Diseases" will include staff exchanges and joint training programmes for Indian and German researchers. Such exchanges are possible due to partnership agreements and bilateral cooperation agreements e.g. in programs of the EU (ERASMUS). In addition, international PhD programs at the MHH attract many highly qualified students for research and teaching. These activities are bundled in Hannover Biomedical ResearchSchool (HBRS).ProfessorsJohann Bauersachs, cardiologistFrank Bengel, nuclear medicine physicianDirk Bumann, infection biologistEmmanuelle Charpentier, researcher in Microbiology, Genetics and BiochemistryJochen H.H. Ehrich, pediatric nephrologistAndrej Kral, auditory neuroscience and medical bionics
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