Interdisciplinary Network for Cutting-Edge Research
The Hector Fellow Academy is a young academy of sciences. It offers a platform for networking, interdisciplinary exchange, and mutual inspiration to the laureates of the Hector Science Award. In addition, the Academy supports promising young scientists.
The Hector Fellow Academy (HFA) was founded in 2013. Today, this network consists of 21 professors and 12 young scientists working in the areas of natural and engineering sciences. New research topics and innovation are instigated by bringing together these outstanding scientists across institutions and scientific disciplines. The HFA strengthens research in Germany and contributes to solving global challenges by raising awareness of socio-political issues.
The main concern of the Hector Fellow Academy is the promotion of interdisciplinary exchange between its members. It fosters research across institutions, disciplines, and research fields. The second key purpose of the HFA is the support of promising young scientists.
Registered Office:
Hector Fellow Academy GmbH
Schlossplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-47880
Fax: +49 (0)721 608-47882
E-mail: [email protected]
Authorized Representatives:
Dr.-Ing. Judith Elsner, Managing Director Hector Fellow Academy
Responsible for Content:
Marketing Department Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH
Jorinne Sturm (JS)
Senior Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Maryrose Kelkis (MK)
Marketing Assistant
[email protected]
The Hector Fellow Academy offers PhD positions to outstanding young scientists with an own research idea. Master's degree holders from all over the world may apply for the PhD positions. The key element of the application is the proposal of a self-developed research project in the research field of one of the Hector Fellows. This project is investigated during the three years of their PhD phase at the institute of the supervising Hector Fellow.
Next application phases:
January 1st - April 30th, 2016
(final decision beginning of July)
August 1st - October 31st, 2016
(final decision end of January)
More information about the application:
Moreover, the Academy supports young scientists (usually postdocs) working in one of the interdisciplinary projects of the Hector Fellows. Once such a project has been approved by the Academy the Hector Fellows involved announce the vacancy at their institute or search for appropriate candidates within their network.
HFA Facebook Authors:
Charlotte Petrik (CP)
Junior Marketing Manager
[email protected]
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