
Hell yeah, it's rocket science! Kontakt Informationen

Hell yeah, it's rocket science!


We're the PTScientists and sending two rovers to the moon to study the remains of Apollo 17 and lay the foundation for future private space exploration.


We are a private European space company, headed for the Moon, and taking along two lunar rovers, a multitude of scientific instruments and experiments. The goal of this mission is to connect with our past by studying the remains of Apollo 17 whilst paving the roads for the future. Together with our partners we are developing and demonstrating technology to lower the costs for space exploration. Making space exploration - to the Moon and beyond - commercially viable.

Unsere Aufgabe

To be first private Mission to the Moon and revisit the final landing site of the Apollo programme.


Hell Yeah, it's Rocket Science! is a community run by the PTScientists GmbH, a German research and development company.

PTScientists GmbH
Maerkische Allee 82A
12681 Berlin

Contact: info@ptscientists.com
Media Enquiries: media@ptscientists.com
CEO: Robert Boehme


Audi lunar quattro
ALINA Lunar Lander

Adresse: Märkische Allee 82A, 12681 Berlin
Telefonnummer: +49 30 92036481
Stadt: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 12681

ähnliche suchanfragen: ptscientists jobs, part time scientists jobs
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