
Korbach Kontakt Informationen


Korbach is the district seat of Waldeck-Frankenberg in northern Hesse, Germany. It is over a thousand years old and a former Hanseatic town. It is located on the German Timber-Frame Road. In 2018, the town will host the 58th Hessentag state festival.Geography and geologyKorbach lies at the north-east edge of the Rhenish Slate Mountains . Neighbouring towns and communities are, clockwise from the northwest, Willingen, Diemelsee, Twistetal, Waldeck, Vöhl, Lichtenfels and Medebach .The town lies on an unwooded tableland called the Waldecker Tafel that once harboured a great many wild chickens, leading to the townsfolk's nickname as "Feldhühnerchen" . Not only the main town, but also outlying centres such as Lelbach, Lengefeld, Nordenbeck, Ober-Ense and Nieder-Ense lie on the Waldecker Tafel or at its edge. In the eastern part of the municipal area, where the outlying centres of Helmscheid, Strothe and Meineringhausen lie, begins the North Hesse Hills, which stretch from the Rhenish Slate Mountains to the Habichtswald range west of Kassel. In the west lie the constituent communities of Alleringhausen, Eppe, Nieder-Schleidern and Hillershausen in the foothills of the Sauerland. The highest peaks in the Korbach municipal area are the Widdehagen near Rhena and the Eisenberg, which despite its name – meaning "Iron Mountain" – is well known for gold-bearing ore found there. Perhaps more fittingly, the outlying community lying on the Eisenberg is called Goldhausen .

Adresse: Korbach
Stadt: Korbach

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