
Landsberg Prison Kontakt Informationen


Landsberg Prison is a penal facility located in the town of Landsberg am Lech in the southwest of the German state of Bavaria, about west of Munich and south of Augsburg. It is best known as the prison where Adolf Hitler was held in 1924, after the failed Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, and where he dictated his memoirs Mein Kampf to Rudolf Hess.The prison was used by Allied power during the Occupation of Germany for holding Nazi War Criminals. In 1946 General Joseph T. McNarney, commander in chief, U.S. Forces of Occupation in Germany renamed Landsberg: War Criminal Prison Nr. 1. The Americans closed the war crimes facility in 1958. Control of the prison was then handed over to the Federal Republic of Germany.Landsberg is now maintained by the Prison Service of the Bavarian Ministry of Justice.Early yearsLandsberg prison, which is in the town's western outskirts, was completed in 1910. The facility was designed with an Art Nouveau frontage by Hugo Höfl. Within its wall, the four brick-built cell blocks were constructed in a cross-shape orientation. This allowed guards to watch all wings simultaneously from a central location (based on the Panopticon style).

Adresse: Landsberg am Lech
Stadt: Landsberg am Lech

ähnliche suchanfragen: JVA Landsberg Insassen, JVA Landsberg Hofladen, JVA Landsberg am Lech, JVA Landsberg Erfahrungen, Hindenburgring 12 Landsberg, JVA Landsberg Besuch, Die Hingerichteten von Landsberg, JVA Landsberg Kfz-Werkstatt
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