Node Center for Curatorial Studies is a platform to teach, experiment, and investigate subjects related to curatorial studies, and contemporary art practices. / /
Node Center for Curatorial Studies was created in order to offer a platform to teach, experiment, and investigate subjects related to curatorial studies, and contemporary art practices.
The Center´s core activity stems from the Curatorial Studies Program that offers its participants the possibility of expanding their work experience, with professional feedback and technical support, by developing projects in Berlin.
The Curatorial Studies Residency Program offers students the opportunity to pursue theoretical-practical investigations, with professional feedback and technical support, by developing projects in Berlin.
The program lasts eleven weeks -thirty hours per week-. During this time the resident will enjoy a shared office were he can develop his research, as well as an area for experimenting with new exhibition formats. Node offers residents necessary resources for curatorial investigations and its practical applications. At the same time, residents will participate in activities that are programed by Node: workshops, seminars, meetings with guest specialists, artist's work presentations, and visits to exhibition spaces, among others.
Educational Online Platform:
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