Latest news from the MPIbpc and its PhD/Postdoc Community! For more information, visit
Currently, about 160 graduate students and around 90 Postdocs – from all over the world – are working at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. The PhD and Postdoc Community is a network of these students and early research scientists which aims at promoting their interests. Our goal is to address the current issues affecting PhD students and to make their life at our campus a most pleasant experience. The Max Planck Society-wide network of PhD students is the PhDnet which serves as a platform for exchange among PhD students from all Max Planck Institutes.
Whenever possible, we try to work closely together with the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Molecular Biology, the IMPRS for Neuroscience, the IMPRS for Physics of Biological and Complex Systems, the PhD Community of the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) Göttingen.
To stimulate interaction among students from the different departments we organize an annual PhD retreat. Once a month have our Get Togethers, which are informal gatherings with food and drinks.
In order to prepare ourselves for our "life after the PhD", whether that would be in- or outside the scientific community, we regularly invite guests working in companies or institutes in different areas to inform us about their working field and career opportunities (career seminars).
To broaden professional and social competences, we also offer different soft skill workshops.
Interested in joining us, or sharing an idea?
Feel free to come along and join any of our meetings held every month in the PhD&Postdoc community office at the MPI/BPC.
Or, contact us anytime via email - [email protected]
Your PhD/Postdoc representatives.
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