We print your merchandise!
Pressure & Ink is a professional screen printing shop We do screen printing for touring bands, local artists and companies.
We have one location in KÖLN and another one in HANNOVER
Actually we print with an automatic 6 color/8 station M&R Diamondback, an M&R Sportsman carousel and an 6/6 Printex MAN carousel and use high tension screens, quartz flash units and high end exposure units to provide you the best quality for a reasonable price.
We print small jobs to large jobs on t-shirts, hoodies, totes and paper. We can provide most, if not all your favorite brands, sizes, colors (...) - also fair-trade and organic textiles.
We use high quality phthalate-free plastisol ink, waterbased ink and we are specialized in discharge ink printing for super soft hand. We use eco-friendly/soy-based cleaners and a recirculating washout station to save our environment.
Get in touch for prices and details!
phone: +49 (0) 221 - 64009639
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